


My Best Friend

I love how he always fills the sink full of water for KC
I love how he loves "Cops" like me
I love how badly he sings to country music-yet he thinks he's not bad
I love how he piles all the pillows on my side of the bed every night (and giggles when I come in the room)
I love how he gets excited when the goldfish are out
I love how he thinks my dad has "mean" cows on the farm
I love how he concentrates when he's cutting the grass
I love how he remembers to turn on the sound machine for me at night
I love how he loves to gossip with me
I love how he makes me smile whenever I am around him
I love how he holds my hand in his sleep
I love how when we go to sleep, he always makes our feet touch
I love his eyes and the freckles under them
I love that he's in love with me...and wants to spend the rest of his life with me.

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