


10 Months Sunday

I am not sure what to say when I see that number...10. Where has this time gone? How have 10 months gone by without Richie Day?

I look at my life and I see that I have made positive steps in my grief. I am still in counseling but I have gone to about once a month. I still go to my grief group but now that is only twice a month. I have made so many friends through this process- other widows- a HR director for Gap, a Sales Manager for Yellow Pages, a Surgical Resident, and a stay at home mom. They are a network of wonderful women that I call at all odd hours of the day to just vent, cry, laugh, and just share my life with. They hug me from afar and send me support when I need it the most. They calm me down when I get upset that I know people think I am not healing fast enough and they clear my mind when I start to become impatient with myself. I am so lucky to have found them.

This weekend will mark another milestone and from there it will be two months until the 1 year. I pray that God will give me peace in my heart and help me continue to heal. I pray he will open my heart for forgiveness and start to heal from the things that have happened to me through this process.

I miss you Richie.

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